
Showing posts from October, 2023


 The chart shows how different people might have been affected the farther you move away for the center less say you have in society.  I personally live almost completely inside inner circle wheel besides one or two characteristics. I can see how being a cisgendered white man can benfire me throughout my life. I can see that people seem to more willing to listen to what I have to say vs what women around me have had to say. While I know that this is not right it is just what I have witnessed in my everyday life 

Video response

Defining racism

 Defining racist looks away from the more overt side of racism you see in the news and instead looks at prejudice that is ingrained in many people. In the opening the author talks about a study done on pre schoolers where they were asked to draw a native american. When they drew this almost all of the students drew the native american with feathers and some type of weapon in their hand and an aggressive look on his face. As small child I definitely would have drawn the Native american the same way at that same age I would have also related to the students needing The person to be described as indian instead of native american.  The next section of the reading talks about how racism is based on system of avantages